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Enrollment & Registration

Parents of students registering for the first time with Bensenville Elementary School District 2 must supply for each child: 

  • A certified copy of the child’s original birth certificate     
  • An up-to-date physical, dental, vision and immunization record 
  • An ISBE 33-78 Student Transfer Form from previous school attend, if applicable. (Click here for ISBE 33-78 Student Transfer Form.) Transferring students must be considered in good standing in order to register at a District 2 school.
  • Proof of residency
  1. Required Proof of Residency (taken every August during registration day): Parents must present a photo ID and one of the following documents that show parent/guardian name and current District 2 address: 
  2. Three additional documents from the list below, with current District 2 address: These documents should be the most recent.
    •  Bank account (savings or checking)
    • Cable television bill
    • Change of address form from post office
    • Credit card bill
    • Homeowner’s/renter's/auto insurance policy
    • Loan payment book
    • Paycheck showing current address
    • Phone bill - home or cell
    • Property Tax Bill
    • Public aid card/Medical card with current address
    • Utility bill (e.g. gas, electric, water)
    • Vehicle registration
    • Voter registration card 
  3. Health Examination Requirements: Kindergarten and sixth grade students are required to have physical and dental examinations. Second graders are also required to have a dental exam. Vision exams are required of all kindergarteners and any students new to the District.

Click here for more information on required examinations.

MORE INFO: Enrollment & Registration