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Students' Rights, Responsibilities & Behavior Guidelines

Students' Responsibilities

To assure the best environment for learning, students are expected to:

  • Know and follow behavior expectations and instructions given by principals, teachers, and all other staff members.
  • Tell staff members about any dangerous behavior or bullying that occurs at school, on the way to and from school, at extracurricular activities, or that could affect the school community.
  • Bring to school only those materials that are allowed.
  • Exhibit citizenship that displays respect for the rights of all members of the school community. 
  • Maintain high standards of courtesy, respect, care, language, and honesty.
  • Attend all classes on time and prepared.
  • Respect school and personal property, have pride in their work, and strive for high achievement.
  • Complete all assignments on time.
  • Cooperate and work to the best of their abilities.
  • Maintain an appearance, including dress and hygiene, that does not disrupt the educational process or compromise standards of health and safety.

Students' Rights

Each student has the following rights to the extent afforded by law:

  • To learn in an atmosphere free from partiality, prejudice, and unnecessary distraction.
  • To express viewpoints courteously and calmly.
  • To be informed of satisfactory and unsatisfactory performances as they occur.
  • To be treated in a courteous and respectful manner regardless of race, religion, ethnic or economic background, gender, or handicap.
  • To learn in a safe and healthy environment
  • To be free from discrimination and harassment or intimidation by another student or District employee based upon a student’s gender, color, race, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or other protected group status.

Student Behavior Guidelines

In general, a student’s behavior at school, at school-related activities, and while traveling to and from school and school-related activities, is expected to reflect the following:

  • Conduct which considers the rights of others.
  • Respect for other persons and their property.
  • Compliance with school rules and regulations, and the provisions of law.

These expectations apply to students at all times during the school day, while on school and District property, while traveling to and from school, at any school-related event, and while using the District’s network or District-issued devices. 

These expectations also apply outside of school if the behavior disrupts or may disrupt the educational process or safe operation of school. This includes behavior on social networking websites that disrupts or may disrupt the educational process or safe operation of the school.

Unacceptable student behavior includes, but is not limited to the behaviors that are listed within the Disciplinary Procedures.